Another Christmas has come and gone. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the Christmas tree. Mom did a great job on the tree this year. I spent quite some time just looking at it and photographing all of the old ornaments. They all tell a story. Each ornament on the tree came from someone, somewhere and for some reason it remains on the tree each year. From the babies-first-Christmas ornaments and the what-can-we-make-out-of-construction-paper-and-glitter to the vacations-here-and-there and this-is-just-plain-pretty ornaments.
Mom knows this ornamnent here is my favorite, along with its two compadres. These little guys were Mom's ornaments to take to school when she was little. Back then they weren't the fanciest or even the prettiest maybe at the time. But, they have stuck around all these years, and if you ask me they have aged quite beautifully into timeless ornaments that she and I both love. Many things seems to get better each year - including Christmas itself. I cherish it more each year.