There isn't anything truly special about this photo, it just captures a little of the local flavor in Lahaina at one of the small public boat ramps. For some reason though, it reminds me of my teenage years when I wanted to be a surfer chick, wanting to just hang on the beach like a local. I took the surfer-chick-thing so far as to buy a surfboard during college (I did actually surf in Galveston from time to time, by the way).
Come to think of it, I've wanted to be a lot of different things over the years, from one extreme to the other even. The other night dad and I were recalling how I wanted to be just like Tommy Moe (the famous 1994 Olympic alpine skiier). I remember telling dad, likely around the Winter Olympics, that I wanted to be a professional snow skiier and he said something to the effect of, "well it's going to be hard for you to practice here in Texas." Classic dad, I love it.
Well, I'm not a local surfer or a professional mountain shredder - these days just trying to become an architect and taking photos like this.
p.s. Happy Birthday, Andrea. Remember when we went to that shop and I bought the surfboard in Galveston on our mini-vacation? I don't think we even surfed it that trip.