Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fifteen minutes

What if everyday, at your most stressful moment, you could go anywhere, absolutely anywhere, for just fifteen minutes. You could blink and then you'd be there for a quick breather and bit of relief. This is an important decision because fifteen minutes isn't terribly long. So chose wisely. I would chose to sail the Sound (the Puget Sound that is) for fifteen minutes on a humble sailboat. The boat would already be floating way off the shore when I arrived. And really there would be no sailing. Only anchored wine drinking, sun bathing and camradering with my fellow sailmates and friends (let's just assume who you'd want to be there, would actually be there.) The views would be stunning and the company worth keeping. Fifteen minutes would be just long enough to get lost in the moment. Then when the moment was up you'd return to where you were and things wouldn't seem as chaotic as they did before you left. Wouldn't it be nice?

Find your fifteen minutes, because at the very least, you can dream about it.

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