Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let your air stream

About a year or so ago Kate and Brian got married in Marble Falls in the country amid a bunch of airstream trailors. I showed you an HDR photo I took of this very airstream trailor soon after their wedding. Well, I've been doing some digging in the photo vault lately, since I haven't been getting many new shots to share. And, I came across this one. I'm probably going to very soon have it framed and at my desk because I really enjoy the color and light in it.

Airstream trailors are beautiful in a rugid sort of way. Some of them travel, some don't, but they are all classic. I remember this one airstream I always meant to go get a photo of in Bryan. I would go for long rides out on highway 47 and right as you made the turn from 60 onto 47 there was an airstream in someone's yard. It was a nice one, too nice almost, like it could stand a few more miles on its rubber. I never got a photo of it, but I imagine if I go for a football game next season it might still be there. In my mind I'd like the photo to be taken as the sun is going down, almost set, when the light will make the metal real blue and crisp.

So there you go, one airstream photo, and dreams of another.


Scott said...

Love the weeds in front and how well worn the whole thing looks. Almost like a Americana piece that was forgotten somewhere.

Ashley Dias said...

the weeds do something for it, that's for certain. they give the photo subtle motion or something.