If you know me, then you know I love my coffee. And, I don't drink it just to avoid a morning headache. I actually love to brew it, smell it, and drink it. The whole experience is great. But, in keeping with my personal philosophy of sharing makes things better, it is most definitely enjoyed most when shared. Some of the best memories take place over a cup of coffee. There is something about coffee that makes a conversation more genuine and a
moment more endearing. Here are just a few of my more memorable coffee experiences.
Over the holidays I love having a cup of joe with the family on the back porch. It's usually cold so we take blankets out there and curl up on the loungers. Eventually everyone goes in for a refill then comes out for just a little longer. Time has a way of stopping when you're drinking coffee, so you always have to get a refill.
One of my more memorable cups came in the mountains of Big Bend National Park. Just before the sun rose over the mountains in the basin, we got up and turned on the stove to heat our water. We realized very soon that we had brought everything we needed to make coffee except something to make it with. We didn't have filters or a press, just coffee, mugs and creamer. It didn't take us long to realize paper towels were very similar in nature to filters, and quickly our dissapointment turned to excitement. We swore it was the best cup we ever had, as it was made with fresh mountain water and pure ingenuity.
Another amazing cup was while kayaking on Lake LBJ. We made our travel mugs to go early in the morning then jumped in our kayaks and set sail. Every now and then putting the paddle down to glide for a while and take a sip.
I remember in Barcelona ordering a cafe con leche from the corner shop near the Sagrada Familia then sitting at an outside table and sketching away. It was my go-to weekend activity if I had a moment to spare.
I've had my fair share of favorite coffeeshops over the years too. In College Station it was a toss up between Sweet Eugene's and Coffee Station. In Seattle, I loved my short drip at 6am by
Lighthouse Roasters. And, here in Dallas, I've come to love White Rock Coffee. Coffeeshops are great little joints. They have good music, people coming and going, and the sputter of the espresso machines, all which make a great soundtrack. I do my studying at White Rock Coffee, I suppose because the energy of the place makes the studying semi-bearable. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the
Starbucks in the Crescent Hotel where I often walk at lunch just to get out of the office for a bit. These days, the gals working there start pouring my "tall drip with room" before I can say it. It's nice when someone knows your order. I think I started ordering my coffee as a "drip" about 8 years ago when I heard Dad order his that way.
In graduate school we all learned each others coffee orders pretty fast. We'd make a coffee run just before the coffeeshops would close. Sometimes we'd all go, sometimes we'd take turns going to get it for everyone. One night I walked up to the roof of Langford with Alejandro and we enoyed a few sips looking out over the College Station horizon.
Some recently memorable cups have been from the deck of the cabin in Ruidoso, with my brother in his new apartment, on the campus of Rice University after a tour of Houston, with a friend on a beautiful Saturday morning, and just the other evening while on the phone catching up.
All that being said, know that when I have coffee with you, I'm truly enjoying myself, and it's not really about the coffee.