Monday, May 3, 2010

The devil was beating his wife

Last night I was studying at the coffeeshop (surprise, surprise) and it was raining out. After awhile I noticed that the sun started peaking through quite a bit so I decided to enjoy it for a moment on the porch. Turns out it was still raining even though it was sunny - which made me smile. When I was little I learned that when it's raining oustide and the sun is still shining that the "devil is beating his wife". Odd, right? Well, it's a common phase. It's a crazy phrase, but it's common, or atleast it's common to people from Louisiana. Ask a cajun if they've ever heard that phrase and they will say, "yup." Ask a non-cajun, and chances are you will get a funny look. Then you'll try to explain the phrase to the non-cajun, and you'll realize as you are explaining it how very crazy the phrase actually is.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me at the coffeeshop so when I wanted to document the whole devil/wife situation I had to resort to my iphone camera and the best I could get was this little puddle shot. About the time I was taking this photo, I realized there were two very prominent rainbows in the sky. Naturally I tried to document that too. The iphone doesn't capture nearly as strong a shot as my Nikon, but hey, it's still a memory. As I was taking photos on the porch, the one other guy out there started taking photos too. It didn't take too long before several other folks joined us on the porch gazing at the phenomenon. People really love rainbows. The two rainbows stuck around for awhile, well after I decided to get back to studying. Lucky for me though, I had a window view of the rainbows from my chair. Once the sun finally went down and the rainbows bowed out I decided to log on to facebook to see how many rainbow photos had been posted - as I suspected, there were more than I could count on my fingers and toes. And, honestly, most of them were far superior to my little shot here. Anyways, the whole thing was fun and a very welcome study break.

1 comment:

Erin said...

This is my favorite place in Dallas! You should show them this wonderful picture.