Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Old fashioned hello

I think we are due a door photograph, so how about the front door of Hopkins. This front door has a rich heritage. I read an interesting story about this door while researching last week. At the turn of the century there was a fellow that for nearly 50 years greeted all those who entered the hospital. He was a member of the custodial crew keeping the front door grounds in shape. He was also the self-appointed chief executive welcomer. The book I found this story in had a photograph of this gentleman, taken right here on these steps. Broom in hand and apron tied tight, he wore a big smile. I imagine this was the same smile he greeted Hopkins' visitors with each day.

With all the digital greetings and automated customer service we get these days, it's nice to think about the days when an old fashioned hello was the norm. Say hello to someone today. It'll do you and them some good.


wkay said...

i agree. done and done.

Ashley Dias said...

The name of the man who greeted visitors was William Thomas.