I have shared with you on multiple occasions my love for doors. Well, this is the door that started it all. Well actually there is a back story. Back in 2006 when I interned for HKS I worked on a large hospital project. One of my tasks during the summer was to "tag" the doors in the floor plans. Every door has to be tagged and scheduled. It was probably one of the most boring tasks I've ever done, but it is also very necessary. Each door has characteristics that must be called out in a schedule. So after this two week task I hadn't learned much technically, but I did learn something methophorically. Each door is unique and each door leads to something different. Hence, the beginning of my love for doors.
Then when I got back to College Station in the fall for graduate school I found this door. Well I knew of this door, but my appreciation for it grew emmensely after my return. It was this beautiful bright blue door on this old run down house no one lived in just off campus. The house leaned one way and the door leaned the other. Not a livable place, but certainly a lovable one. Well, I decided I had to take a photo of this door, but not an ordinary photo. I thought this door was special and that a digital photograph just wasn't what this door deserved. So I bought a polaroid camera just to photograph this guy.
This photo turned out great. I loved it. I still love it. The photo sits at my desk with the many other things that help me to remember. But, the interesting part of this story is that two days after I took this photo a car crashed into this home. Plowed right into the blue door in fact. It saddened me quite a bit. But, then I thought, well maybe, just maybe, the door had been given a little love and it was ready to go.
So, this polaroid is the last memory of the blue door. Cheers to you and where you led me.
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