Monday, April 28, 2008

Barrels, barrels, barrels

It's not often you come across a pile of old, discolored barrels. These rusty fellas were hanging out on the side of an old grave stone factory in Austin. Alejandro, Preston and I spotted this old factory a couple weeks ago after the MS150. Actually Alejandro spotted the factory and Preston and I just happened to be there, but nonetheless. When I came back to Austin the next week I decided I needed to revisit the building. The lighting was perfect. It was overcast which fit the character of this run down place well. In some ways this photo reminds me of the kids who would hang out around the corner after the bell rang in middle school. Potentially scheming, but mostly just wasting time.

What I love most about this photo though is the little weed flowers. They don't even notice the barrels. They are just keep doing their thing without any regard for the barrels. A nice little juxtaposition, I think.

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