Monday, August 18, 2008

I've been iphoned

My life has changed. It is amazing. The iphone is pure wonderfulness. I have internet at the touch of a finger, all of my email accounts instantly accessible, all my photos, and my music in my pocket at all times. And get this, I can rent movies to my iphone. This is particularly awesome for plane rides. The last few trips to Birmingham I have been ridiculously bored on the airplane. Skymall and American Way can only entertain you so much.

Apple, I think you've done it, I'm a believer.


John Dias said...

I figured out how to rip some of my favorite movies from DVD and put them onto my BlackBerry Pearl. I, too, will no longer be bored to tears on flights!

Unknown said...

I wrote six lines of things that I need to do today on my palm with my fountainpen.
I am STRONGLY leaning towards purchasing one of these thingies.
I fold... I'm a consumer.
