Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sonogram sky

This is the original star trails shot, my first true attempt. I took this one at Enchanted Rock State Park outside Fredericksberg, TX. Unfortunately I didn't wait for the moon to set and I got a lot of light pollution in the shot, making it seriously overexposed. So, once I got back home I played with the contrast of the image in photoshop to reduce the overexposed light; which ended up creating an interesting sonogram effect.

I think I left the shutter open for 25 or 30 minutes on this one. It looks like some satelittes went across the sky during the shot (look close for the subtle diagonal lines). I learned a lot from this one, and I like it even though it needed a little photoshop love.

If you'd like to see a successful star trails shot that turned out great without needing any photoshopping see my former post "The middle of nowhere is somewhere". I plan to continue taking star trails photographs. Maybe Grand Teton or Grand Canyon next. I'll keep you posted.

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