Monday, May 5, 2008

What did you learn?

What did you learn? This is a great question, if not, the question. I had to ask myself that this weekend after my review. When I left the review I had a feeling of what-now? Reflection was what. I spent the weekend thinking about what I had gained from the final review, my graduate education and my cummulative architecture experiences in general. A bit overwhelming really. I had to tone it down eventually. What I came to realize was I had learned so much, but basically it boiled down to one thing: it's not over. There is plenty of learning left to be had. And, when you feel like you've got it all figured, be worried. The last comments in my review were from my committee chair, Kirk Hamilton. He said, "I've seen you mature as a designer, but you still have a lot of learning ahead of you." And, all I could think to say in response was, "Well I guess that's a good thing." And yes it is.

Thanks are in order for my wonderful committee. Alejandro snapped this photo of us at the end of my review. From left to right is Kirk Hamilton, Ward Wells and Robin Abrams. Quite an all-star group. I appreciate everything you've taught me. Onward and upward.

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